this is what happens when we wait for daddy...you might wonder what she is holding...parents put it on door knobs from little boogers going into rooms they aren't suppose to...she found this stashed away in the baby stuff we brought out...it's a cup to her...or a telescope...depends on her mood i suppose??

we are in the process of baby takeover that is about to happen shortly. i believe ryan has been enjoying this as well. she loves to put her babies in and sing "rock-a-bye....in treetop"...she basically hums after treetop...she feeds them in the swing...sometimes she swings herself and tells the babies "want out"...then crawls in...

awww...pretty picture right?? notice there is no stem with that rose...here's the rest!

here's the rest!! still in the vase. saturday ryan and daddy went to eat with their grandma and grandpa...afterwards they were going to surprise me with this beautiful exquisite bouquet of roses...they got home with nothing harmed...then ryan wanted to smell the "fowers" and grabbed one and it snapped. i wasn't there to witness this occasion but i did here daddy say "ryyyyyyyyyyannnnnn" it's okay though...i enjoyed five roses and ryan got hers from her daddy...

our valentines day. well, for one...tucker and i aren't the mushy gushy go crazy with chocolates (he is great for the fact he NEVER EVER EVER buys chocolate...blah). we are more of the kind that gets a card and call it a day...however, i do like the occasional flowers and a surprise gift...most of the time we already know what we are getting each other. . .but this time tucker actually surprised me with flowers and a flash for my camera (don't ya love practical gifts)?? i wrote him a nice letter...one that didn't have numbers and a list of things i need done...and he did me the favor of picking out a knife for himself so he could use the valentines day gift as an excuse to feed his addiction to knives....weirdo.
we decided what the heck...lets do something tonight...we called Julee who is 13 and at the ripe age to babysit...we decided to go to yukon and go to target, lowe's, and city bites (the best veggie sub EVER). no one was at the restaurant...no one. we were the only ones. it was great...we didn't have to stand in line for an hour and sit an hour...maybe if i weren't a wide load it would've been okay. we went to target. i needed a rug for our living room. we found the one pictured above for $30 dollars...when we went to go check out...it only rang up as $.01. yep. i don't know how or why but i think it was a mistake but the cashier said no...i have never seen such a gallant face on tucker while he strutted his stuff on out to the car with such a steal. he tells everyone.
anyways, that was valentines day. also, i haven't experienced any labor signs....SIGH. i go monday morning for pre-op and i have to pre-register...i get to find out the time of surgery and so forth. thursday is the big day...ONE WEEK till we get to see little baby pool's face. we still haven't decided on a girl name though....guess we will wing it...that's the kind of parents we are...our kids are lucky! fo sho! well, hopefully i will have enough energy to mess with my new flash and take some good pics and post them before baby arrives....till then...i will place a beeper on my backside to let everyone know i am backing up for their safety and so they won't be smashed by the 5'1 pregnant lady.
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