last week was HECTIC...after daddy pool got in a wreck...we were wondering how we were even going to bring home a newborn that
saturday. God has a way of working things out though...our friends Shane and Adeline are allowing us to borrow their car till we get a rental. i praise God that tucker walked away from a wreck that
could've been a million times worse and he came home completely intact.
thursday came...the d-day. we took
ryan to
shane and
adeline's very early in the morning and then headed to the hospital. we checked in and we were first in line for the OR (our
dr only does scheduled c-sections on
thursdays). we were getting ready...
iv's and all that stuff when the lady two slots behind me came in laboring. i got pushed back to number 2. i wouldn't have minded this but i had a catheter and those babies HURT! i spent 2 hrs with this dumb thing till i got to go. once i got to the OR though..i got hit with the spinal block...
ahhhhhhhhh spinal block is how i spell relief! however, they gave me something to make me all sleepy...tucker came in and the process began.
i let my mind trick me into thinking we were having a boy...but we heard the famous words "IT'S A GIRL"!!tucker yelled "YES"!! he wanted a girl. wow. what a blessing! God chose us to take care of one of his precious children.

Mommy, Ryan, and Dylan

Baby Dylan 8 lbs and 20 in long. born at 10:11 am
one might wonder where we got the name dylan. we like boy names. i loved marley...but we started thinking of other famous Bob' Bob Marley...we came up with Bob Dylan. i kid i kid.
well, this c-section has been a better road to recovery. i hate not being able to pick up ryan when she beams her brown eyes up at me and says "hold you". i can't pick up the why people elect to do a c-section i will always wonder....tucker has been taking excellent care of us girls...