wow. both kiddo's taking a nap. i must be overly exhausted and dreaming. ha. the other day...i had an enormous epiphany. ryan needs to be potty trained. yes yes she does. i have been WANTING too...however, i made the choice to wait till baby Dylan was born so i wouldn't encounter regression. well, we started full throttle. this seriously happened the other day. saturday we were preparing for the city...i was getting ready...tucker went to the car to put the dvd player in...when he walked in ryan was standing there grunting...telling daddy "i poo poo i poo" then ran to the pantry...tucker asked to change her diaper only for ry to tell him "go that way". what a squirt. thus, i have realized many months ago that ry needs trained. advoiding the issue no further...ryan and i are on adventures of potty training.

she isn't really pottying here...she is hanging out on the potty watching diego.
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