ever heard of the
maya wrap?? yes, this is a sling to carry babies in...i thought my friend
adeline was crazy for always wearing this thing like it was a part of her body. fate struck me this past
saturday. i tried it on with little
dylan in the
wrap and i am now a believer. if you have a baby, pregnant...BUY THIS!!

there are tons of ways to wear this wrap too...look uncomfortable...but absolutely not!! comfy!!
p.s. adeline...you are horribe for not converting me sooner! i still love you though. (hippies for life yo)
Ethan wasn't a huge fan of the sling. BUT- I have a sling for Emma!! I haven't figured out how I'll chase Ethan around and actually accomplish anything without a sling. I do like the maya wraps too! Where did you get yours? The ones I have found are outrageously priced!!
go to mayawrap.com they are only $50. i LOVE the maya wrap. we have a baby hawk and two other carrier..however, the MAYA is the way to go!! i promise!
I actually got on etsy.com after I read your post. There are several on there for about $30+ shipping. And you can choose your fabric and colors. I see a maya wrap in my future :)
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