meet stud

ryan's new best friend i believe

it's a sad story behind this cat. very sad. i don't know if i want to share it because it's sad. i am not a huge cat fan....not in the least. but i am an animal fan.
about a year ago, ryan and i were outside when this sweet black kitty showed up. we named her 'kitty'. she was so sweet....we gave her food and the rest was history. we let her in...she loved cuddling and being petted. most cats don't like people...not kitty she LOVED people. during the spring we put her back outside...let her roam.....she ended up getting pregnant. when she had her babies, i went on a journey to find them...we had also discussed getting her fixed. she was only maybe a year and a half old. well, as i was walking by a bush i heard some small rustling.....i looked and there they were. all four kittens. we made sure she had food and water.
about the time of discovering kitty and her kittens, we were in the process of moving. we were definitely taking her. she was sweet as can be. we didn't know what to do with the kittens, but we were going to take her and her small family. one evening, we came home, i went to check on her....she was just laying there. (weird, cause she would always come out to socialize when we were near.) i said 'kiiiiiiittttttyyyyyy'. nothing. nothing at all. she laid there. i told tucker to come quickly. she picked her up....she let out a moan. lifeless....she couldn't move. we called the vet and tucker quickly loaded her in a box....she just laid there....we put her kittens in with her. i remember, kitty in the box and tucker running in to get something. i kept petting her as she was letting out low moans. her eyes were fixed on mine telling me 'help me'. i started crying. her babies were trying to nurse. i kept crying.
tucker left. i cried. i cried i cried. over this sweet little kitty. tucker was gone for a long time. as soon as i heard him, i quickly ran to the door. it was too late. kitty had gotten into poisoning. there is nothing a vet can do after a cat has gotten into poisoning. then, there were four little kittens. crying for their mommy.
for a whole 2 weeks, i nursed and nursed them with a bottle. i would nurse dylan, then the kittens, pack. it was a crazy two weeks. we moved. we put the kittens in a storage shed. the kittens were doing great. they thrived. however, one evening, the kitty with twisted limbs, we found dead. he probably had some intestinal problems that happen when kittens have twisted limbs. a week later, our dog kaya malled two others. then, i found stud in the back of the storage shed meowing. we took him in and named him 'stud'.
about 4-5 days ago, stud went missing. we usually let him out for a little while and he comes back in. hardly does he ever wander off...but this time he did. a couple days ago, ryan started calling him...she went to every room. still no stud. while she was napping sunday, he went and asked our neighbor boys if they seen him...yes, they had but it was a day before. tucker told them he'd give them $20 to go find him....15 minutes later stud was reunited. (dumb boys should've done it for free, but kids these days are BRATS). ryan was so happy and stud too. he curled up in our blankets and slept for 24 hrs.
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