ry is such a hoot!! she says some silly stuff. for example. we have been battling colds lately and i have tried to teach her about 'catching her cough' and washing hands....etc. a couple mornings ago she was sitting on my lap and coughed....i said 'ewwwww all your germs are going everywhere...' she said 'oh, catch my cough mommy?' and i said 'yeah, good job of remembering'...she coughs and catches it and tells me 'hold on there is more'.....'i am not finished yet' cough cough....'mommy, i have a lot of coughs'.....cough cough....i ask 'are you finished now?'....ry 'nope mommy, not yet!'....cough cough 'okay, i am finished now'. WHEW!
baby d is a moving and a grooving. she wakes up and her whole day revolves around going where ry goes. at the end of the day her knees are bright red from crawling...with minor scratches...she always has pants or baby legs on to protect those cute knees. she pulls up on the coffee table...last night she pulled up on the bath tub. she is GREAT standing up.
we are so excited about the arrival of holiday season!!! this year will be a BLAST with ryan. we've already been reading santa books...i know this CHRISTmas will be so magical for her...we can't let her down!! :) we might be putting our tree up this weekend!! yay!!