finally the weather is COLD!! yesterday was cool...not cold...but today is COLD!! since the weather decided to changed, i realize i need to get on the ball with CHRISTmas right around the corner...only for the girls' birthday quickly following. ryan and dylan's birthday's are so close together that i MUST start planning 3 1/2 months ahead of time.
my CHRISTmas wish....the Girls' to not grow up. we had bath time (i make the girls take baths together) dylan was the first out and ryan said 'bye dylan' and dylan waved to her for about 2 min straight. it's quite possibly one of the cutest things!! she waves when i change her diaper, nurse her, play with her, read to her....it's CUTE! after putting dylan in the exersaucer and returning to finish up ryan (who gave her fairies a bath)...we got out...we were on our way back to her room and i said 'ryan, golly i love you so much! you are one of the best things in life' she replied 'mommy, i love you so much' and i said 'well, that was such a NICE thing to say'...she said 'your welcome!'
after drying off and getting undies on, i put a shirt on and she told me 'it's stuck mommy!!' so i asked if she wanted another and she did..going through them she replied to each one ...'too big'...finally she picked out a shirt with a horse 'it's stuck mommy'...so i pulled out a short sleeve shirt....'YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!' she was totally trying to tell me. i am such a doof. i can't help but to be INCREDIBLY thankful for our little family.
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