yesterday was quite action filled for us. i woke up late of course...i had to get ryan and i ready as fast as possible! when i have ob appointments, i take ry to tucker's office while i go because she flipped out when dr. mann put the doppler wand on, she isn't allowed to go anymore!
anyhoo, i get her to the office...get to the dr. office for an 14 weeks they told me i was having a boy and BOY did i get excited. this time i was told i would have a girl. the great thing that did come of this visit is that the baby is HEALTHY! i have to praise God for a healthy baby. i asked him when i would deliever...each ultrasound is giving a bit of a different date so he said the thursday before mar.'s the kicker....that day will be Feb 26th...Ry's birthday is Feb 27th! can you imagine....parties? i do have the option of waiting till i go into labor and do an emergency c-section....oh well, i have already started thinking about how we will celebrate ryan's birthday next year...a party for a 2 year old and expecting the next one.
i did want a boy for the simple fact this is my last baby...i would have one of each...tucker ready desired a little girl...he loves how Ry's eyes light up every time he is around...basically he likes having a little daddy's girl.
after picking ryan up we can home to get grab some lunch and take a nap. yes, i take naps with ryan...the only way i survive being pregnant with a child who is 20 months old! ENERGY! we woke up in time to get dressed for dance class and get there....with the weather change all the girls were going crazy. we would walk outside and ry says "ooooooooo" and tries to shiver. she had fun despite the little attitude that comes out of nowhere. our sweet little ryan comes out sometimes!! :) this age they are everywhere day is full of hugs and kisses and the next day is full of refusal! yay for terrible 2's...
Playing Catch-up
14 years ago
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