if anyone hasn't realized...this month is october. we took ryan to a pumpkin patch last year and seemed like a good time although she was not exactly old enough to ENJOY the patch like she did this year. the patch is pretty neat and has animals, slide, swings, a maze through the maize. . .a real pumpkin patch where kids get to pick their own pumpkin. ryan enjoyed the animals and made sounds for all of the animals (very very very cute) and the slide. this year was definitely a trip we will always remember!!
the pumpkins we picked out and ryan looking cute!!
ryan's new form of transportation!
the black widow..we did kill the spider since children visit there.
trying to find the right pumpkin
the pigs!
she loved the animals
feeding the goats one piece at a time...
we are busy this month and i don't believe it will slow down anytime soon. tucker's birthday is this weekend...he is finally 26!!! yay for tucker the trucker. i am hoping we all feel a little bit better since i am battling laryngitis, ryan is battling allergies/teething, and tucker with allergies. western oklahoma doesn't agree with my nose. we had to miss ryan's dance class last week since she ran 104 fever for over 24hrs...but Dr. Mann assures me fevers are GOOD!! hopefully, we don't wind up sick all winter long!
oh yea, baby update. i went to the dr last wed. and everything is great!! we just did a quick doppler and things are great...i go back in next week for an ultrasound...he did one at 14 wks and looked like a BOY so we are going to do another one to see the growth and for gender. i feel kind of bad cause tucker wanted another girl....seeing this is our last baby and i am excited for a boy! we will have to see!!
for now...adios!
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