Tuesday, October 28, 2008

RY's Dr. Appointment

well, ryan is officially going to a GI specialist. we went to the dr yesterday and told him the runny stools simply won't go away...we agreed this isn't normal so he is referring her out. i think if mommy's do think there just isn't something right...go into the dr's and don't leave till something if found out. fortunately, our dr takes us seriously and we only go in for check-ups. ryan also has a funky cold so he gave her some drying up medicine. i hope this year is a whole lot better than last with all the colds.

dr. mann also told me he can remove some of my moles. when i am pregnant, i GROW more moles!! yep, i am pretty excited to get some taken off!

other news, i decided that i am going to make 15 peoples Christmas presents. I have around 30 presents to buy for and i found this great deal on fleece at Hancock's website for half price...so I am making some fleece blankets. pretty cool, eh? i kind of wonder if everyone will think...there are some people who get upset if they don't get cool gifts....or store bought!! i am going to put some cool baskets together and do some Christmas baking with Adeline and be a martha stewart.

last night, we drove to weatherford quickly to arby's and went to wal-mart. when we were getting out of the car ryan dropped her ELLIE (yes, ellie is still around). . .and she looked at me and said "OH GOSH"...ahhh, she is repeating everything.

oh, the ellie....everyone in clinton know's who ellie is....where there is ryan there is ellie. yes, it's adorable to them all...until she plops her thumb into her mouth. we have decided to wait till the new baby is here and ry gets settled till we will take it away. i hope that simply taking ellie away will solve the thumb-sucking...i hate taking ellie away...if only he didn't come with thumb-sucking!!

well, i am off to join the pretty girl for a great sesame street show....toodles!

Friday, October 24, 2008


we got the exciting news we might get a bigger rent house....but it wasn't all that great other than a good back yard. i do wish we had a fenced in yard...plus, the rent money she was asking was way too high $675 in clinton oklahoma. oh well. i just have to have patience.

i forgot to tell a story about ryan. we were getting ready for dance class...since i am maternity clothes size now i was looking for some awesome maternity jeans. i asked ryan "have you seen my fat pants....mommy is getting big, don't you think?" she was looking at me cause i was throwing clothes everywhere....i told her "the baby in mommy's belly is getting big...did you know mommy has a baby in her tummy?" she looked at me and said "UH-OH" and showed me her belly button!

i haven't really written about ryan much...she is just a talking away!! she is going to be a dr for halloween...now she says "doctor"...i counted and she says over 60-70 words. i worked with her age kids what seems forever...i never got why parents were so PROUD of their kids saying words...i just think it's the natural process of growing up...now i know where they were coming from. another thing she does is count. i must count a bunch and seseame street counts a bunch too...i was like "oh yea, she hears me counting and she's repeating"...nope, the other day i watched her try to count bugs....of course it isn't all together...she counts 1-6 and skips 4.....also, when she high five's she says "five....six".

potty training is right around the corner...i was trying to see if she might be ready about a month ago...she would sit on the potty and once she got up she would go!! BUMMER! so, i thought i would wait closer to 22 months...try to have her trained by her birthday....but a couple days ago she went number 2 and pointed at her bottom!

dr. mann gave us a speech when he was discharging us about how to cherish her being so little because with a blink of an eye they grow up...have to admit...dr. mann is definitely right!! seems like it took forever for her to walk...but when she did...she simply woke up that day and walked everywhere!! seems like waiting for her to really talk was forever...but a couple weeks ago she went from 20 words to 50! i guess things click and the rest is history. i remember her tiny and able to pick her up with one hand...now...she's half as tall as me!!

well, thought i would post updates that we aren't moving!! bummer. but i know God has some plan in store for us a new house and the new business to take off!! chao!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

many things....

yesterday was quite action filled for us. i woke up late of course...i had to get ryan and i ready as fast as possible! when i have ob appointments, i take ry to tucker's office while i go because she flipped out when dr. mann put the doppler wand on me...so, she isn't allowed to go anymore!

anyhoo, i get her to the office...get to the dr. office for an ultrasound...at 14 weeks they told me i was having a boy and BOY did i get excited. this time i was told i would have a girl. the great thing that did come of this visit is that the baby is HEALTHY! i have to praise God for a healthy baby. i asked him when i would deliever...each ultrasound is giving a bit of a different date so he said the thursday before mar. 1st....here's the kicker....that day will be Feb 26th...Ry's birthday is Feb 27th! can you imagine....parties? i do have the option of waiting till i go into labor and do an emergency c-section....oh well, i have already started thinking about how we will celebrate ryan's birthday next year...a party for a 2 year old and expecting the next one.

i did want a boy for the simple fact this is my last baby...i would have one of each...tucker ready desired a little girl...he loves how Ry's eyes light up every time he is around...basically he likes having a little daddy's girl.

after picking ryan up we can home to get grab some lunch and take a nap. yes, i take naps with ryan...the only way i survive being pregnant with a child who is 20 months old! ENERGY! we woke up in time to get dressed for dance class and get there....with the weather change all the girls were going crazy. we would walk outside and ry says "ooooooooo" and tries to shiver. she had fun despite the little attitude that comes out of nowhere. our sweet little ryan comes out sometimes!! :) this age they are everywhere emotionally...one day is full of hugs and kisses and the next day is full of refusal! yay for terrible 2's...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Birthday's and more!

so, last wed. was our friend shane's birthday and we went to their house to have to cranium wii fun...of course izzy and ryan absolutely love playing together...if i might add, adeline's mom has the bestestest play room...ryan disappears for awhile in their play room and pops out occasionally. we had a great time hanging out with shane and adeline...we are becoming great friends the 6 of us. adeline is also a hippie along with me...so it's not weird talking cloth diapering, breastfeeding....organic living...and she is pretty cool.

then we had a day off before JuJu came over. Ryan truly truly loves her juju...they are quite a pair. reminds me of when julee was little and i was the older one...i am glad she gets an opportunity as i did to become a great role model for ry. julee went to the football game...however, before i made dinner and gave tucker his birthday cookie cake (he's kind of obsessed with cookies and frosting).

Saturday was our wonderful trip to the city...considering ryan and i got up at 5!! i promised T we would go so we loaded up for a crazy day. we went to Red Lobster (T loves the seafood and Ry too!) for his birthday dinner...his eyes lit up for lobster and steak. i got some kind of shrimp scampi meal...the shrimp wasn't bad...but i know i would NEVER be the one to choose seafood. they did have a great baked potato...i am going to try to make one like theirs!! towards the end of the meal we had a dilemma called RYAN WITH NO SLEEP! she wanted to go look at the tank full of lobster instead of finishing her popcorn shrimp...when we would go sit at the table came loud screams...i gave up and stayed at the tank. i felt bad for ruining tucker's birthday meal.

we went to BACKWOODS...okay, to those who don't know what backwoods is...well, it's a camping/repelling/hiking gear store with really nifty gadgets...i like to get my water bottles there...(i like taking water bottles instead of bottled water)...anyhoo...they offer a birthday program and T got his free $50 osprey bag that is pretty nifty if i do say myself!! he was so happy to get something cool and free! afterwards, i got to visit the wonderful health food store atkins...i could spend hours in there...then we went to Lakeshore Learning...to all you mommy's out there...great store with educational products. this store is for early childhood centers...i like this store because it isn't filled with toys that "stimulate" kids with bright flashy lights and sounds...ryan plays more with the simple toys.

then we took T to the best buy and he bought some kind of gadget. the thing about tucker is that he is advanced with technology...me on the other hand is horrible when it comes to technology. it is far better to take him there and let him do his nerdy thing! he picked out his cool handy dandy computer stuff and we were on our way home.

sunday we skipped church because my mom was coming to town to watch julee play some soccer....jake and jessica went as well. ...we all got pretty aggravated cause the ref's we HORRIBLE...but it was great just hanging out with jake and jessica and mi madre. i can't believe jake and jess are taking the big step of marriage...to them i say CONGRATS!! ryan is going to be a flower girl...tucker a groomsmen....julee on the guest book...and me the big fat blob!! i am going to be INSANELY huge in december...but oh well!! :) after the game t, julee, ry, jonathan, jake, jessica, mom, and myself all went to eat at Wong's...the nasty chinese food. ryan kept drinking people's drink with "ahhhhh" afterwards...she loves attention. we all hung out for awhile and ryan even got to go to our neighbors house to play with their grandchildren...she came back with a sucker so she was happy.

well, that's about all...i think this week is going to be pretty calm in comparison to last week...i can't wait for ry's ballet shoes to come in...this girl loves to dance...all the girls at dance all agree ry's going to be a break dancer...for now...adios!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


i thought i would join the rest of the world's obsession with blogging. so, yep, i am officially blogging although i am terribly sorry if i am the world's worst blogger.

if anyone hasn't realized...this month is october. we took ryan to a pumpkin patch last year and seemed like a good time although she was not exactly old enough to ENJOY the patch like she did this year. the patch is pretty neat and has animals, slide, swings, a maze through the maize. . .a real pumpkin patch where kids get to pick their own pumpkin. ryan enjoyed the animals and made sounds for all of the animals (very very very cute) and the slide. this year was definitely a trip we will always remember!! the pumpkins we picked out and ryan looking cute!!
ryan's new form of transportation!

going up the slide (which was actually a cattle loader).

on the ride to the pumpkins

the black widow..we did kill the spider since children visit there.
trying to find the right pumpkin

ryan's cute pumpkin!

the pigs!

she loved the animals

feeding the goats one piece at a time...

a little choo choo ryan says!
we are busy this month and i don't believe it will slow down anytime soon. tucker's birthday is this weekend...he is finally 26!!! yay for tucker the trucker. i am hoping we all feel a little bit better since i am battling laryngitis, ryan is battling allergies/teething, and tucker with allergies. western oklahoma doesn't agree with my nose. we had to miss ryan's dance class last week since she ran 104 fever for over 24hrs...but Dr. Mann assures me fevers are GOOD!! hopefully, we don't wind up sick all winter long!
oh yea, baby update. i went to the dr last wed. and everything is great!! we just did a quick doppler and things are great...i go back in next week for an ultrasound...he did one at 14 wks and looked like a BOY so we are going to do another one to see the growth and for gender. i feel kind of bad cause tucker wanted another girl....seeing this is our last baby and i am excited for a boy! we will have to see!!
for now...adios!