Friday, June 19, 2009

baby pool photography

i had my camera on a tripod messing around. little shadow decided to follow in my footsteps. these are ryan's first pictures behind the camera. i wonder if i take too many pics. i bet she is tired of the flash and it has given her brain damage. just kidding. i think it's cute. our little girl the photographer.

princess dy

okay...little miss dylan. how does time fly? i wish i could pause sometimes. dylan is now 3 and a half months old. she is such a clown. she is brooding with personality. i wonder if her cheeks hurt from smiling so hard...sometimes i am ready to give her cpr cause she holds her breath smiling too. she coos...coo coo...kinda like a bird. not really. she is noisy. basically dylan smiles and sounds like a bird.

the important part of this pic is her smile. cracks me up everytime.

maybe you can tell, she sucks her bottom lip sometime.

okok...she could kill a person with her cuteness.

she has attempted many rollovers...yet, her arm gets in the way. i believe she will be sitting up anytime soon!!

dinner with daddy pool and baby pool.

i am writing this because i am sending an sos out. help me. i live with nut-cases. please anyone.

"mmmm, i like puddin"

"no daddy i am two and i like to do things myself so i am going to stick out my lower lip til you give"....and he did...

so, he ate his chips

hopefully, his face won't stick like me. baby pool thought it was HILARIOUS. please baby pool don't try this at home....

okay, i changed my mind....she has a totally cute and sweet side.

awwww....she is adorable and maintaining cuteness eating chicken nuggets.

wait a minute...i've seen that face before!

times like these make me laugh.

today. ah today. all of us girls were tired. we've been working on the new house till wee hours at night. anyhoo, nancy has been watching the girls while we paint...yesterday night, julee had a game so she only watched dylan. we took ryan. she kept going to her daddy in the kitchen window and saying "hi daddy i am coming" walk to the backyard... "hi daddy, love you bye daddy"...then come find me and say the same except with mommy. she was so dirty from this i gave her a bath at 10 at night. cranky girl! she bled from her thumb and we have no idea from what cause she didn't cry. so her band-aid came off in the water. total melt down. after tub time she looked at her bug bites and they all needed band-aids. now, all boo boo's have band-aids. if her boo boo's fall can get rough.

today during nap time she was quiet. figuring she was sleeping i worked on the house chores. then i heard a peep. i go and check and she said "uh-oh mommy" and pointed at these stick on earrings nancy gave her...i noticed some were missing and i pulled her blanket up and one could say i found them.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


yesterday, ryan and i were talking....this is our conversation.

"mommy, a cowboy" (there was one on tv)
"papa a cowboy"

i ask her: "are you saying 'papa is a cowboy"

"ya, papa a cowboy. bulls. horsey. YEEHAW"

later, we were outside throwing those pop fireworks on the sidewalk. (daddy, mommy, and ryan)

daddy: "ryan throw them on the ground"
(ry throws one)
daddy: "listen, did you hear it pop?"
ryan: "no daddy, it BOOM no pop"

followed by singing: "i BIG...I moto"

btw: ryan went to her first rodeo a couple weekends ago. we told her we were going to see cowboys, bulls, and horses. she loved watching and playing under the bleachers. who hasn't enjoyed that though.

i love a 2 yr old perspective!

Monday, June 15, 2009

our life

pic before their first pbr

ryan simply playing

ryan posing for the camera...

silly lil' dylan

is quite busy! ahhhhh! we decided we would finally splurge on a bigger house since lil' dylan came into our lives. the house has an extra den, bedroom, and potty room. also, a fabulous backyard. however, the catch is we have to paint the new house and pack the old house. meanwhile, i am still doing physical therapy.

oh, the physical therapy story. so, i decided since i was post partum to partake in some hard-core exercising at the local gym...well, little did i know my knees were so weak they weren't able to absorb the shock...thus, i have to go to physical therapy 3 days a week. my hamstrings are a heck of a lot stronger. i am thinking that training for marathons (my goal) might be accomplished.

back to the busy pool life. we are moving. yup. to add on to it...i am volunteering at vbs next week amidst all the moving. then off to canadian tx for some small town festival for the 4th. afterwards, i am going to come home unpack, get ready to travel to hominy oklahoma. yipee. i can't wait. although, where i am going is a mile from a max security prison. signs line the road saying "hitchhikers may be escaped prisoners" or something like that....nothing like feeling at home. if i were an escapee i would visit the casino next some money...then pay a person to take me somewhere. just saying.

therefore, blogging is going to be sparse. sorry. however, i will try to post a few more with pics.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


yesterday, we added a member to our species collection. we have 2 dogs, a cat (preggers too), about 20 fish, and now...introducing 'itsy'. this is how we got itsy. juju and i were on our way to have girl time with pie and coffee and j saw a spider on the side of the road a little ways from t's parents driveway. i called t and he rushed to come get it...they put itsy in a mason jar and punched holes on the top. when i took j back ry was THRILLED with her new pet.

first thing in the morning she wanted itsy


itsy goes where ryan goes.

i never thought i would have a house full of animals. t and ry are going to get itsy a home today for ry to keep him. he's a male. that's what t says and i wouldn't doubt that he would know. i can honestly say that ry is her father's daughter. do i want a pet named itsy? pretty much no. however, it is great ry has such a fascination with God's creations...whether it is a bug, insect, snake, fish, spiders, and all others...she loves them.