Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the adventures of daddy pool

let me set this story up for you. this story might make you wonder what kind of crazy people we are...just want you to know...that is how we roll.

ryan has this newly found obsession with collecting small figurines and collections of toys acquired from her bff izzy. izzy has mounds of little figures. now that is all ryan plays with...also, they are hard to come by too...she does have an awesome fraggles in cars from her Grandma nancy...she kept every toy tucker ever had i think...so, hence the pictures below.

okay, so i really like this pic...these frogs can literally be found in any room of our house.

see how she puts them in rows?? is this the beginning of ocd? our family already has enough crazy to go around...like we need ocd too!

anyhoo, those of you who don't know we have an antique heater in our house...which is called a floor furnace. i seriously want to meet the crazy who thought of floor furnaces. last year, we got to spend a couple hours in the ER because ryan stepped on the furnace for a millisecond and listened to a doctor tirade of how i should learn to baby proof our house and that includes putting bleach up on a high shelf...all those fun first-aid classes courtesy of Head Start training was actually used!! anyways, i am a little off subject.

well, our land lord, learned of ryan's hospital trip and found an old port-a-crib top from 1965 to place around the heater....yet, it would move when ryan pushed it...now it has d-rings to help keep it in place....that would be daddy pool's idea...he has lots of ideas. next, paw paw pool realized ryan could throw stuff in the port-a-crib "gate" so he had one of his employee's make this table looking thing with mesh on the top. thanks paw paw pool.

sometimes....just sometimes toys still get dropped on the furnace. one frog nearly lost its right eye if i hadn't been so observant ryan would have one less frog.

this is where the story begins. daddy pool and i watched heroes (ALWAYS)...the furnace wasn't on but i realized there was a plastic block that had slipped through the cracks and a couple ninja turtles on the mesh top...i forgot to remove these possible melting objects before hitting the hay. after heroes, i went to bed and daddy pool did some stuff. well, daddy pool was awakened by lil ry and decided he was cold. since this was at 5 in the morning...daddy pool doesn't think at 5 in the morning...sometimes i wonder if daddy pool actually thinks?? like the time he stabbed his leg with a knife.

well, most women know towards the end of pregnancy sleep isn't a part of your life. i got up to use the rest room and grab a drink of water when i stepped out..i noticed some smoke. i smelled BURN. i panic calling out "tucker tucker tucker tucker wake up wake up wake up"...i have to repeat myself periodically...it's now a part of my life. he jumps up...i turn on the light and the whole house was filled with smoke...right then 4 fire alarms went off!!! looking at the furnace there was melted block. these are the remains::

what is kind of sad...these were becoming part of the grouping collection process ryan is going through. this happened to be her favorite block cause it had sleeping alligators on it...needless to say all the windows were left open and daddy pool is in the search of finding little ry a new set of blocks.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

broken roses...

i figured since i haven't posted anything in the past week i would do so now. . my energy is spent on a little human named ryan these days! ha. here are some pictures of the last week.
this pic is taken with my new flash...lighting is everything..more about the flash later...

okay, ryan has a new crazy trait...she lines objects up that go together. for instance, here are her care bear collections. she is back on with her obsession since i found some care bear dvd's at target for only $4.75....notice the rug...it literally cost $0.01 (more about that later too)

this is what happens when we wait for daddy...you might wonder what she is holding...parents put it on door knobs from little boogers going into rooms they aren't suppose to...she found this stashed away in the baby stuff we brought out...it's a cup to her...or a telescope...depends on her mood i suppose??

this pic is classic. ryan is a wonderful sleeper...however, she is currently teething...4 teeth are creeping through her gums...sleep is something daddy, mommy, and ryan are not receiving their full 8 hours that we are use to...so, i decided i would keep her up all day...then this happened at 5 right before daddy came home...this was not a good day after trying to pry her eyes open...

we are in the process of baby takeover that is about to happen shortly. i believe ryan has been enjoying this as well. she loves to put her babies in and sing "rock-a-bye....in treetop"...she basically hums after treetop...she feeds them in the swing...sometimes she swings herself and tells the babies "want out"...then crawls in...

awww...pretty picture right?? notice there is no stem with that rose...here's the rest!

here's the rest!! still in the vase. saturday ryan and daddy went to eat with their grandma and grandpa...afterwards they were going to surprise me with this beautiful exquisite bouquet of roses...they got home with nothing harmed...then ryan wanted to smell the "fowers" and grabbed one and it snapped. i wasn't there to witness this occasion but i did here daddy say "ryyyyyyyyyyannnnnn" it's okay though...i enjoyed five roses and ryan got hers from her daddy...

our valentines day. well, for one...tucker and i aren't the mushy gushy go crazy with chocolates (he is great for the fact he NEVER EVER EVER buys chocolate...blah). we are more of the kind that gets a card and call it a day...however, i do like the occasional flowers and a surprise gift...most of the time we already know what we are getting each other. . .but this time tucker actually surprised me with flowers and a flash for my camera (don't ya love practical gifts)?? i wrote him a nice letter...one that didn't have numbers and a list of things i need done...and he did me the favor of picking out a knife for himself so he could use the valentines day gift as an excuse to feed his addiction to knives....weirdo.
we decided what the heck...lets do something tonight...we called Julee who is 13 and at the ripe age to babysit...we decided to go to yukon and go to target, lowe's, and city bites (the best veggie sub EVER). no one was at the restaurant...no one. we were the only ones. it was great...we didn't have to stand in line for an hour and sit an hour...maybe if i weren't a wide load it would've been okay. we went to target. i needed a rug for our living room. we found the one pictured above for $30 dollars...when we went to go check out...it only rang up as $.01. yep. i don't know how or why but i think it was a mistake but the cashier said no...i have never seen such a gallant face on tucker while he strutted his stuff on out to the car with such a steal. he tells everyone.
anyways, that was valentines day. also, i haven't experienced any labor signs....SIGH. i go monday morning for pre-op and i have to pre-register...i get to find out the time of surgery and so forth. thursday is the big day...ONE WEEK till we get to see little baby pool's face. we still haven't decided on a girl name though....guess we will wing it...that's the kind of parents we are...our kids are lucky! fo sho! well, hopefully i will have enough energy to mess with my new flash and take some good pics and post them before baby arrives....till then...i will place a beeper on my backside to let everyone know i am backing up for their safety and so they won't be smashed by the 5'1 pregnant lady.

Friday, February 13, 2009

bird feeders and d-day

yesterday we finally made our bird feeders. ryan did such an excellent job at following instructions. i was simply impressed with her 'listening ears'.

spreading the peanut butter...

she tasted the peanut butter and started spitting..guess no pb and j's for ry!

this is her fave part...sprinkling the bird seed

she was very into concentrating

we took the extra food to sprinkle on the ground....

the finished product! a nice pine cone covered in peanut butter, seed, and apples

we had tremendous fun doing this project. people would be surprised what a 2 yr old can do activity wise.

lately i have been teaching ryan that she is 2. i figured everyone would be asking her soon and i thought i would equip her with the knowledge. she even tries to hold out two fingers. last night, tucker put her ellie on her head...she turned to me and said "mommy, there's a ellie on my head". okay, she speaks in sentences, but sometimes they aren't as correct as 'there's a ellie on my head'.

today, we went to the dr. i took ryan with me...in the beginning she would cry if anyone got near me at a dr visit...so, i normally take her to tucker's work and she runs around the office like she runs it. i tried taking her a couple months ago...she started to get bored so i took her to dr. mann's office and she watched movies in his office. it was pretty funny cause when she walked into the building she was trying to go see him! ha ha. the kid loves her dr! however, today, she listened WONDERFULLY! she never disobeyed me...now, how do i continue this pattern??

everyone keeps telling me oh wait for the terrible twos...maybe ryan's is going to be the terrible three's or something. she is kind, polite, and loves to chat with everyone. don't get me wrong, there are moments when i don't understand why she is screaming, but she is good more than a fit thrower. (i would like to thank GOD...).

the dr visit went well. i haven't gained any weight...i have stayed at 35 lbs that looks like 89 lbs. he isn't going to be in the office next week so my pre-op is on monday the 23rd. surgery on the 26th. i tried convincing him to stay in clinton next thursday so he can deliver baby, but he said no. BOOOOO! i got the infamous words of...SLOW DOWN. i simply can't believe this baby is going to finally be here!! YAY!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

my family the nature people....

the rock we found on the walk decorated with 'dirt'

working hard on getting her dirt to the rock...she did this for almost an hour!

color she says...

going outside hasn't been much of a priority lately cause i am big, round, and very chunky. well, today we just couldn't pass up on the whole 'no wind' sweeping down the plains. we took a walk...not far, but enough to make me crave a baby out of my uterus. ryan enjoyed playing with some concrete 'rocks' and decorating them with dirt. to those who don't know...you could give her a box of rocks and she's good for the rest of the day. she found some sticks too..i plan on getting her a sand box for the sum
mer. ryan will probably have fits to play in a sand box.

tomorrow we are going to make some bird feeders from free pine cones (thanks adeline and for your tree farmer of a dad who grew them), peanut butter, and some bird seed. i need to get with it and realize we have a real outdoors girl. this chick isn't afraid of bugs, snakes, lizards, or dirt...she welcomes nature and we LOVE IT! mostly her daddy...mr. eagle scout.

valentines day is coming up. we went to the city not too long ago and mr. eagle scout decided to drop me off and he and lil scout went to an outdoors store. he bought his awesome v-day gift...i guess it's better than any kind of gift i would've thought of...but he bought a knife...the same one bear grylls first used...you know...the nature guy from man vs wild. i say hooray for tucker for he was thoroughly excited about his awesome knife...he even wears it to work in an office...pretty sure that's illegal...whatever makes him feel like the eagle scout he is i guess.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

gosh she's darn cute!

don't you love the face??

notice the cheese stick...for some reason she is all about posing these days!! i don't mind it cause she is so darn cute! i am hoping to get some stuff for my camera and a back drop with some lighting to start taking more pics....i can't wait...ry is such a good model! :D okay, i am a proud momma...who could blame me!

Friday, February 6, 2009

dr visit....

today i went to the dr. i didn't get the greatest news....baby #2 is transverse. to those who don't know what that means...baby is sideways and not head down like baby should be. which means, c-section might take longer than expected and i might get a lovely new vertical scar below my belly button. baby is weighing around 6 lbs...almost 7lbs. this will be a bigger baby!! ahhhh!! other than that...he looked at the genitals...he says a girl still but the baby is so big and transverse babies don't show much...no telling. only to more visits and we will be having a baby!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

sickness invaded our house....

Here's a few pics of the past week:::

this is ryan playing the piano on the base boards...

this is her clapping for herself.... :D

saturday cartoons is why tucker became a daddy....this is the duo watching toons.

we went to eat at TGIF's. boy howdy it was good...i wish i could taste what i ate... but it was fun watching nutter taste food with pointer.

what might this be?? a container that was full of frosting. ryan came out of her room before bf covered with white flaky stuff. i went to her room and found this. i think leia (our dog) must have chewed off the lid...foil...then ryan found it....needless to say she didn't have much for breakfast.

this morning ryan and i played with her rocks for at least 45 minutes.

ryan's new pose for the camera. doesn't she look sweet?? i was trying to get her to show me her rock in her hand but she wanted to pose instead.

yes, indeed....i was thoroughly proud we haven't been sick like last winter. ryan had a runny nose for what seemed 4 months...and hospitalized for pneumonia. it started last tuesday night. slight fever, green runny nose, and i passed it off as teething...wednesday there was coughing and sneezing. thursday i started feeling the sickness. friday wasn't too bad but ryan and i stayed home so we wouldn't contribute to other people's dr. bills. saturday we HAD to go to the city. i endured it...but by time we got home we were all pretty wiped out. sunday...i woke up feeling MISERABLE. i hardly ever get colds but this strain was reeking havoc on my body, ryan's, and now tucker's. we have loaded up on kleenex, benadryl (basically the only thing pregnant women can take), tylenol, orange juice, and gatorade. i have been bribing ryan with gummi bears if she takes her medicine. how pathetic am i?? i am pretty worn out. i think all three of us are and i am sure #2 doesn't like me coughing all the time. the other day i had a good run of 8 sneezes in a row.

i had to miss my 'keepers of the home' class at church. sniff sniff....i might even have to miss sweet tuesday (the girls get together)...why? b/c i wouldn't wish this cold on ANYONE! thankfully tucker blessed me with a WHOLE day off and took care of little miss ryan.

oh, we went to the city . we got a car seat and some other important must haves for the #2. now, we get to try to the house ready and baby to get here. 23 more days....boy howdy am i ready physically to plop this baby out.....okay, it won't really plop out....baby will be removed surgically.

i am just ready to be able to BREATHE...to be rid of this cold.